宁 李

Blue Prayer

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Popnet substeps 4 get strange result,help please!! 2020年10月28日7:23

Oh,I finally figure out the issue,if I use “$FF”,I shouldn't use the popnet to play blast,I should use filecache node to play blast with int frame.
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If you want view the sime solution with deselect “integer frame value” set “step” to (1/substeps),then you shouldn't hit “play” button icon,you can only hit “left arrow” key on your keyboard.

note:there must be segment “$FF” in filecache node.

copy to points to make dragon scales 2020年10月23日3:56

I make a line,then polywire it and subdivide,point normal the base body geometry.when I copy the scales to body geometry points along normal,but how can I make scales along the body to the end,else?
my file is upload here


Popnet substeps 4 get strange result,help please!! 2020年10月9日21:34

lightning.hip is my practice file.Thanks anyone masters pass by.