Christophe Leyder

Christophe Leyder

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South Africa

Houdini Engine


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Houdini 19 Mapbox not functioning 2023年7月7日13:36

I've found an alternative solution for now until its fixed if if anyone needs one. Im using [] exporting the mesh to houdini and doing a heightfeild project from that mesh.

EDIT: []

This HDA worked for me

Remote Rendering 2016年7月14日10:29


We are experimenting with the -H command to render our future print jobs. We've been successful with just about all of it, there's just one problem: more than half of the machines we assign are not letting go of buckets. Its sometimes the first bucket, sometimes later; it happens rather randomly. Is there a way to debug why they would be doing this?


First commercial done in Houdini 2016年6月21日3:48

Christophe Leyder
I'm in love with this software now! Softimage seems strangely archaic now…


About the noise, i personaly found that the noise pattern produced by Mantra isn't really pretty compared to the Arnold one and is a good starting point for fireflies… Setting more than the default min 1 max 9 helps a lot (like min 3 max 9) but still..

Oh yeah definitely I agree. I do think we got away with a lot due to the fact it was outdoors mostly. So even when things were in shadows they were still getting samples from the skydome or fill lights (The white environments made it easy to make light bounce around too).

In another job we just finished now we had it on around min -4 max -8. We're still kinda getting the feel for Mantra, using one renderer for so long and then moving to another is always tedious. I knew exactly what would happen when I changed a value in Arnold, but that was after years of using it, it was my home. So I'm trying to get to the same point with Mantra, a plus for that though is they're both path tracers, so its not like the jump I had to endure previously. So we're going to keep experimenting with things, we've come a long way already since we finished this ad we're showing here. I look foward to whats in store!