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Time-Warping with CHOPS and Copy-Stamping 2014年9月10日12:18

I may be missing something obvious here, but this has the same problem as I was describing to Edward - as soon as there's a change in velocity the result goes crazy! New file attached, where the particles slow down at the end. What I want to happen is the cube's roation slow to a stop at the same rate as the particles translation does, but, well, this is not what happens as you will see!

Additionally, this cube animation is just a simplified version of a scene. This needs to be a general solution for any input geometry, hence why I am using time blend through a warp in chops - so I can modify the object's whole animation, not just a single transform.


Time-Warping with CHOPS and Copy-Stamping 2014年9月10日9:47

Thanks for the help Joker, but this is not quite what I need. The original particle movement is fine, what I want is for the cubes to rotate at a rate that is proportional to their speed. If the particles move fast, the cubes should rotate quickly. If the particles slow to a stop, the cubes should slow down in their rotation until they're still.

Time-Warping with CHOPS and Copy-Stamping 2014年9月10日9:28

Using the geometry CHOP - maybe? I can't figure out how. The stamp expression doesn't seem to transfer over to CHOPs, and I can't directly access the copy node within the chopnet without creating an infinite recursion.
Using the timewarp SOP - at least with the expressions I've been writing, I can vary the ‘amount’ of warping, which is fine for particles moving with no acceleration. But as soon as the object starts to speed up or slow down at any appreciable rate, the time-warped animaton starts jittering about all over the place. The rate is fine, but there's no flow, no connectivity between frames.
If you've got a clever expression in mind, I'm all ears