Dan Cota

Dan Cota

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Hair not following Animation after grooming 2016年7月21日23:27

sidenimjay you are awesome!! Worked perfectly!!! Thank you!!

Hair not following Animation after grooming 2016年7月20日16:02

I have a character animated in CHOPS that I have added hair on. The hair works fine before grooming and follows the animation with no issue but after I groom the hair is offset(No longer on head) from the now deformed character but still follows the animation in the wrong position. Attached is a test HIP File. I did a simple rig of a tube and created 2 different hair groups. The one on the end has no grooming applied and the other one has grooming applied. The groomed Hair no longer follows when you move “Chain_goal1”

Any ideas or Tut someone could point me to?

Instancing A FEM object? 2015年5月5日20:32

Is it possible to Instance a FEM object in a POPsolver? I am trying to have a scene rain rubber toys. If I try to instance geometry it simply instances the initial geo as opposed to the Finite solved instance. Any ideas would be appreciated.