Ed H


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【SOLVED】Error when using OpenGL Rop with Rop Fetch Top node 2024年6月19日22:42

Same issue in 20.724, fixed it following the above suggestion with this script:

export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/hfs20.0/dsolib/libHoudiniUI.so
cd /opt/hfs20.0
source houdini_setup
cd -

OCIO editor doesn't save state with custom config 2024年6月18日11:44

I downloaded that config and manually added the default view line and then put the path to the config in the ocio.json package, and I'm seeing the tcamv2 view preselected in the viewport on startup. Is that not what you see?
I went 2 ways
- initially added the path to the config to the houdini.env file
- then tried the same path through as the OCIO varibale through a sys env variable
both ways led to the config being read, but left me unable to change the default view transform (it did add the default part to the (houdini created) config however but restarting houdini removed/changed it again for some reason). so removing the variable before restarting houdini was 'a' solution for the time being
guess i could try going through the ocio.json file instead - thanks again for your input!

Have you managed to set it up correctly? Deleting before restart allows you to maintain the settings but highlights look completely clamped in the viewport.

Karma XPU, Matt Shadow catcher 2023年11月18日14:57

I am struggling to setup the shadow catcher with XPU, background plate doesn't work with it, any directions would be appreciated it.