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houdini for linux 32 bit debian on ubuntu? 2007年8月27日9:10

i had Houdini 9.0 installed on my ubuntu.Just read this linkhttp://www.cgarena.com/freestuff/tutorials/misc/ubuntu/index.html [cgarena.com]
the trick is this one is using .tar the new ubuntu 7.04 version H9 is using 7z.
You have to download 7z from the synaptic package manager.Then ubuntu`s native package opener opens it. And you have to change the codes given there from H8 to H9. Maybe you like to use H8 builds then…i don`t know…
but it is not difficult, believe me…

Volumetric renders in Houdini 2007年6月1日7:24

How do we create volumetric effects; like volumetric clouds in Houdini excluding deep shadows and sprites?This is not a technical question. Just want to learn the ways. I have a long way to go before coming there…