Gayatri Patel

Gayatri Patel

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Houdini Engine


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Dead flower blooming back to life 2014年4月3日5:00

Hmm i haven't tried that. Do you think i can get the tiny curls out of displacement or i have to model them?? I did play around with cloth a bit but couldn't get the desired result. But I'll give this one a go! thanks!

Dead flower blooming back to life 2014年4月3日4:35

So i want a dead flower to bloom back to life. Currently i have used shape blends to get the basic forms. Also added some bones for more control on bends and curls. But i am unable to achieve the small curls and details, something like this… []
Can anyone please suggest the best way to approach it??


point connections 2014年2月5日8:41

I am a student currently learning houdini. Is there a way to change a point id every frame? for eg 0-1 then next frame 1 should be 0 and 2 should be1 and so on?

ps. What i am trying to do is… i have a mesh which i want to reveal by connecting 2 points at a time.
Thanks in advance!