Gordon Layley

Gordon Layley

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View screen goes blank. 2015年1月26日7:43

Wondering if someone could help.

Iv installed Houdini 14 on Ubuntu Studio. When I move my cursor over any of the tools my view screen goes blank. Also when I resize an object the view flickers.

http://i.imgur.com/Ildb8dH.png [i.imgur.com]
I did try search but cant find the same problem.

Thanks Gordon

Logged a bug.
Meant to add a video of the bug to the bug report here is it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck5MKbl7-6o [youtube.com]

Help with polysplit Houdini 14 - Solved 2015年1月24日6:09

Fixed it it helps if I have the right node selected. A noob mistake.

Hi Guys

Been following the QuickStart guide and have got to the part were you have to use a polysplit.

http://i.imgur.com/Ih2jzAl.png?1 [i.imgur.com]

In the video he says that you need to hover over an edge
http://i.imgur.com/fDrBl0z.png?1 [i.imgur.com]

In 14 it doesn't give me this option.

Any help would be great.