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Attaching object to "toon character" question 2011年2月12日16:11

I did the dynamic parenting and I got a BLEND node connecting the bat (child) to an OFFSET_NULL2 & OFFSET_NULL1, OFFSET_NULL2 then goes to the toon character.
I also chose a transition, in this case frame 1, I also did it on frame 5, but, if I move the hand, the bat does not come along.
Can somebody please explain how to attach an object to the toon character?
Thank you very much.

Attaching object to "toon character" question 2011年1月30日18:57

Thank you very much!
I found it in the HELP file.

Attaching object to "toon character" question 2011年1月30日12:47

How do I attach/link an object that was imported as an FBX to the “Toon Character”?
I want to have the “toon character” swing a baseball bat.