Iñaki González


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Export a simulation using Flips and Pops as VDBs 2020年7月6日10:59

Hi there!

I am working in two different simulations, one using Flips, and another using Pops.
I need to export them as separate VDBs to render in a diff software and I was wondering whats
the best workflow and don't lose quality.
I am trying so far using VDBs from Particles but I am getting a blobby looking effect. Is there a way of improving this?
Can the “point radius scale” parameter depend on particle age?


FPS in Compositing View 2020年6月7日12:49

Hi there, I am working in the compositing view and I would like to know if there is a way to preview fps in this view in order to make sure that the 2d compositing I am currently working on it is running in realtime, being at leat 24fr/sg.

Using an attribute as Mask for Displacement 2019年2月27日6:45

Hi there,

I am doing different exercises and I would like to use an attribute such as the “Cd” generate by a Turbulence Noise in PointVop to control the intensity of my Displacements as it was a mask. Id like to get it done using the Mantra Classic but Also the Principled Shader.

I am using Houdini 16.5 and as there is not any longer a “Size” parameter in the shader to control the General displacement I am not sure how to get it done.

Thanks in advance