Abhishek Iyer


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Houdini Apprentice Node Creation taking too long 2016年12月10日4:42


I am new to using Houdini Apprentice and I have a high end gaming system (ASUS ROG GL752VW - DH) and houdini apprentice was working fine until, all of a sudden every node creation started taking too long.

A ‘geo’ node takes a minute to create, it says calculating hscript then python and for more complex nodes it takes forever.
But, once it is created all the changes I make or create in the node takes place immediately, no delays.

Has anyone experienced this problem before and does anyone understand what is happening? I have even reformatted my system and still having the same problem. It is really annoying to work like this, hope someone knows whats happening with houdini on my system.

Hope to get some help soon.

Thank You