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ginventor 2005年11月17日12:18

Hmm…. I have not installed and IRIX release of houdini in this studio since v6; and the command is present in the Linux release of v7:

#fish}~> uname
#fish}~> which ginventor

Thios user does not even have an IRIX box, so there is clearly something for which he was using it…

ginventor 2005年11月17日11:54

One of my users has a question about version 8:

There's a program that's supposed to come with Houdini called
“ginventor”, which is their inventor <-> .bgeo converter. It doesn't
look like it's installed with the latest 8.0.x cuts of Houdini. Is this
something that needed to be installed separately, or has Side FX removed
it from the product? Without it, native Houdini can't read .iv files.

Can someone speak to this? Is there another way to read .iv files? Is there a plug-in needed?