Keddy Ho


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Houdini Engine


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Recent Forum Posts

How creating camera lead to path? 2016年11月3日10:56

Great answers! I've sorted out with it after followed your instructions and it did went well! I want to saying big thanks for your help!

How creating camera lead to path? 2016年11月1日12:57

Thanks for your quick reply but i don't follow your instructions. I've been trying to do it like you saying but i'm confused with which one. Can you show visual step by step please that will be big help?

Thanks again

How creating camera lead to path? 2016年11月1日6:17

Hi all! I am lightwave user and i am just learning Houdini for about 1 month! Love this program. So, i’ve created domino test. For example, 100 domino straight, i wanted camera focus it to the first domino and then lead it through it to the end with last domino. I know how to use camera lead it to first domino by using a null but i don’t know how to lead it to the end with last domino. Can you please help?

Thanks for your help,


P.S. Sorry about my bad english because i am deaf.