Linus Rosenqvist

Linus Rosenqvist

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Mantra flicker on far away objects 2018年10月22日8:57

I have a pretty basic crowd sim with small dudes with hats, I have noticed that the ones far from the camera tend to flicker on the hats, even though it all looks good in the viewport. If i move the camera closer the problem goes away. I have attached 2 images that shows the problem, as you can se one of the hats is of in one of the frames but the problem goes away when i zoom in a little bit. None of the agents close to the camera has this problem. My question is basicly, is there any way to fix this? My render time is superfast so a bump in that would matter to much.
The agents are packed when I render as has a very simple stylesheet

Rendering seperate tiff files with save to disk 2017年11月13日5:35

Seems like I finally has been approved to post here.
So ive been trying to render a seperate tif sequence for each image pass, but cant seem to get it to work.
In the help files it says that its possible since a couple of versions ago but nothing about how its done. If anyone knows that would be really awesome

Extra Image Planes 2017年11月8日13:32

Been trying to figure this out as well. This is what they write so i should be possible:

“As of Houdini 9.1, each channel can now be written out to a different file. This lets you work with OpenEXR programs that don’t support multiple channels in a single .exr image.

You can also do fancy stuff like send one channel to the md device (a non-interactive MPlay window), or split your image into multiple .pic files with a handful of .tif files thrown in. But if the primary image is ip, all planes go to ip.”

My question now is just how do i get these as seperate files, also very curius on how to get a channel to the md device
Thx in advance