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IK question. 2002年9月21日15:39

err. found the answer to the referencing question. but the twisty/spline question still remains.

IK question. 2002年9月21日11:12

hey. i got a question about having twist on an ik chain that is set to follow curve.
what i want to do is have a null at the bottom of the chain that also controls the bottom vertex of the spline…and if i were to twist it..the IK chain would gradually twist upward as well.

another question. is there an easy way of telling one node to copy all the information from another objects node? ( say both have a transform node and one transform copies the other.)
this way i could make attaching the spline vertex/persistent handle to an object/null much easier.

( am i making any sense here? )

Best darn sub-div modeler I've used! 2002年9月20日8:35

hey nice model over there. but i got one question have you figured out how to bevel edges? or make coplanar edges? how about selecting edgeloops/rings?

oo. and one thing thats bothering me. is there a way to extrude a number of faces/polygons and keep them together? or do i have to dissolve first…then extrude…and then put those polys back in?