Matt Vitalone

Matt Vitalone

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United States

Houdini Engine


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Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2 2021年12月13日21:55

I don’t know of a way to disable it, but it does it because a bgeo file can contain more data than just a static mesh. For instance if you import a bgeo with packed primitive data, importing the bgeo will create a static mesh that contains the packed mesh data and the blueprint will create a instanced static mesh for all the packed primitive points.

Vertex Animation Textures ROP 2.0 Released 2020年4月2日14:36

Hey Matt. The latest material function should have logic to deal with rotations. It's in the upper right corner of the nodes.

I updated to 424 but don't see this in the latest material function shader code. Maybe I wasn't clear with my earlier post though. I'm using the Soft Deform version of the shader. I'm talking about rotating the object in Unreal, not handling rotating objects in a rigid body simulation in Houdini.

Edit: Okay I found the fix for this. If you transform the normals from Object Space to World Space after the material function it will correct for object rotation. Might be worth integrating this into the Material Function (at least as an option) to make this usable in more cases.

Thanks for all the hard work Mike!

Vertex Animation Textures ROP 2.0 Released 2020年4月1日20:32

Hi Mike,
Is there a way to use these assets with any sort of rotation and retain correct shading? With the normals being in world space the shading gets messed up as soon as you add rotation. I tried transforming them into tangent space but didn't have much luck. Am I missing something obvious?