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maya to bgeo exporter 2016年1月12日19:47

I dont know mgeo for comparison, but we are using partio with great success for the trip to Houdini from Maya. For the way back from Houdini I've got a basic HDA that just reads the BGEOs.

http://www.disneyanimation.com/technology/partio.html [disneyanimation.com]

Cannot set parms via callback in Maya, works in Houdini 2016年1月12日19:25

Sadly refreshing the AE has no effect and getAttr is saying the value hasnt changed. After a bit more testing it doesnt appear to be a refresh issue to me. It looks like the most replicable way to get the script to work is to hit the button then reload/refresh the asset.

Ill take a look at the spaceship HDA and see if the issues are similar

The button, when pressed, should show a value of 736
(In maya)
Test 1
set initFrame to 0 via the slider
Hit “Execute”. GUI shows zero, getAttr shows 0
Hit “sync asset”. GUI shows 736, gettattr shows 736

Test 2
set initFrame to 0 via the slider
Hit sync Asset. GUI shows 0, gettattr shows 0
Hit execute. GUI shows 0, gettattr shows 0
Hit “sync asset”. GUI shows 736, gettattr shows 736

Test 3
set initFrame to 0 via the slider
hit reload asset. GUI shows 0, gettattr shows 0
Hit execute. GUI shows 0, gettattr shows 0
hit reload asset. GUI shows 736, gettattr shows 736

Test 4
set initFrame to 0 via the slider
Hit execute. GUI shows 0, gettattr shows 0
toggle auto sync outputs. GUI shows 736, gettattr shows 736

Cannot set parms via callback in Maya, works in Houdini 2016年1月12日18:46

Hey guys. Im having trouble using python in an HDA that I'm sending over to Maya. I've attached a simple example HDA to set parameters using a callback script (button). Works like a charm in Houdini, but on the Maya side I need to hit my ‘Execute’ button, reset simulation, reload asset, sync asset until eventually the field updates to the correct value. Sometimes it works, other times it bugs out, and other times still it seems like it works but has a refresh issue. Any thoughts?

Maya 2014
Houdini Engine 14.0.430

Callback Script:


import hou

def setInitFrame():

me = hou.pwd()
me.setParms({“initFrame”: 736})