Paul Golds


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Viewport keeps going blank 2020年6月2日2:28

I have made sure it's the same version (Redshift 3.0.21 with the Houdini 18.0.460 plugin, matching what I'm using), and I did try removing the Houdini.env lines setting PATH and HOUDINI_PATRH so that it couldn't find the Redshift plugin any more but hit the same problems.

At the moment though things seem to be working again and I have no idea why, if it starts to break again I'll try removing Redshift completely and see if that helps.

Thanks for your time helping with this though, it's appreciated.

Viewport keeps going blank 2020年6月1日4:02

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to change anything. I've commented out the lines for Redshift in my Houdini.env, started Houdini, loaded the scene- and no luck. The toolbar options for Redshift have disappeared so it has removed it successfully- but the viewport still keeps going blank.

I appreciate the suggestion though, thanks.

Viewport keeps going blank 2020年5月31日23:35

Recently I've had the Scene View going blank while working with Houdini- no geometry displayed, no reference plane, just a blank blue pane. It happens in multiple objects in the scene, and occasionally it displays while I rotate the camera and then blanks again once I stop rotating.

This is a decent machine 3950x, 65GB, GeForce 2070 Super, and the scene isn't that intensive. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on?