Nathan Arbuckle
Nathan Arbuckle
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Houdini Engine
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Houdini Parameter Interface, add dynamically menu items 2015年10月29日18:23
Here is a sop that has 3 menus, it reads your user houdini folder and if you select a folder, you can keep selecting more. I'm sure theres a way to do this cleaner, i just wanted to throw something together so you could understand, hope this helps.
Houdini Parameter Interface, add dynamically menu items 2015年10月28日15:49
add a callback script to the function/method used to populate menu2, and evaluate menu1 in that function/method. If you tell me the context in which you are populating your menus I will write you an example.
Support for Ramp Parameters? 2015年8月27日17:25
Just curious if there is a way to load an asset that uses a ramp parameter?