Nicolas Heluani

Nicolas Heluani

About Me

VFX, Motion Graphics, fun in general.Freelance VFX Artist based in Reykjavik,


Not Specified

Houdini Engine


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obj-image Beginner
RBD Bullet Solver
obj-image Advanced
Vellum Worms

Recent Forum Posts

print log too cluttered 2023年11月3日5:01

mmm... never mind I guess. Just waiting for all upstream items to be cooked seemed to have done the trick.

print log too cluttered 2023年11月3日4:54

So I have a simple python script that just print info from the work items as such:
x = work_item.stringAttribValue ("x",0)
print (x)

Everything works fine except that the script is so fast that the result log is quite difficult to read, even if i limit the process one item at a time.
The output is something like:
I was wondering if there is anyway to make the process wait for the each work item to complete the log?
Strange problem to have I know, things are too fast!

one sim two caches in top? 2023年2月21日18:21

Hmm. No this is not what I was referring. I was talking about pdg top network having two caches will cook the sim twice.
But you did give me an idea. To delete all other vdbs before the last frame. Hence we have vel vdb for the anim and density and everything else for the last frame.