Noah Zuo


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Vertex Animation Textures does not work after applying GameDev Destruction Cleanup node. 2018年9月7日5:26

Everything works fine when we use vertex animation texture.

But it seems that the fbx is a little bit too big(7mb for that pig head), we want to apply GameDev Destruction Cleanup node.

But after applying the changes into UE4, things are not right.

The rotation texture is only 5kb, which is clearly not right.

How to handle that please?

How to get the normal vector of a heightfield? 2018年8月23日3:55

I am new to heightfield in houdini 16.5.

I am currently working on river/road generation using houdini.

After watching video from Horizon Zero Dawn, I managed to create something like that.

But there is still a problem: How to get the normal vector of such heightfield?

In Horizon Zero Dawn, they use a negated volume gradient vector add (0,1,0) for normal. This can work, but may not be the right answer.

I convert the height field to polygon, then use a intersect node and primnormal node to get such normal. But this cost too much performance.

Is there a good way to get this normal please?