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Tools----Otl Files 2010年3月2日7:04

For whatever reason, Houdini on OS X at least like to throw up warnings about NC assets when using Apprentice. I think there's a bug logged for it somewhere.

I'd also suggest you put your otl files in the $HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/10.0/otl/ folder. This way your assets exist in a directory that is seen by all the installations of Houdini.

Putting them in the Houdini install directory will work, but as soon as you install a newer build, that build won't be able to see the file in the other versions directory. You would have to copy/paste it to the new install. This may also cause problems with the assets being out of sync. Also, if you remove that version then your asset is gone for good.

Thanks for that, I dont get the warning if I import them as assets for each session as opposed to having them in a scanned Otl folder. So I will do that for now.

Tools----Otl Files 2010年3月1日14:40

Thanks for that, One question when I put them in the Otls folder My path in OSX “Libary/Frameworks/Houdini Framework/Versions/10.0.554/Resources/hodini/Otls” I get a warning every time I start Houdini I get a warning about them having been created in a non commercial version even though thats the version im using? Even after starting closing and starting again. For some reason it would prefer they had come from a commercial version of Houdini is this normal?

I'm on PC so You have to ask someone else about that.

Having tried out the Bridge Poly I think that should be built in to 10.6 as a matter of course, Its the dogs do nads. .

My favourite is FlattenPoints. Is so usefull.

Check my WIP on odForce. It has more informations about tool in english.
http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?/topic/9707-my-tools/ [forums.odforce.net]


Tools----Otl Files 2010年3月1日10:12


Put them in

“harddrive letter:\Houdini10.x.xxx\houdini\otls” folder and the will install automatically. They will be available under TAB menu.

As for making shelf tools from them.

RMB+NewTool on the shelf. After creation edit this tool and under scriptTAB add this line

import soptoolutils

soptoolutils.genericTool(kwargs, ‘toolname’)"

in tool name write specified tool that you want to install to shelf.

So in case of Bridge Polygon write this:

import soptoolutils

soptoolutils.genericTool(kwargs, ‘bridge_polygon’).

And don't forget to name your tools on the optionsTab

Yes they are cross version compatibile. Ofcourse it may happen that something will change in Houdini architecture so drasticaly that they fail but propably it will be easy fix to make them running again.

Thanks for that, One question when I put them in the Otls folder My path in OSX “Libary/Frameworks/Houdini Framework/Versions/10.0.554/Resources/hodini/Otls” I get a warning every time I start Houdini I get a warning about them having been created in a non commercial version even though thats the version im using? Even after starting closing and starting again. For some reason it would prefer they had come from a commercial version of Houdini is this normal?

Having tried out the Bridge Poly I think that should be built in to 10.6 as a matter of course, Its the dogs do nads.
