Gianluca Siciliano


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Getting world space orientation 2024年1月17日15:34


Your local transform matrix looks like identity matrix with an offset. But if it has the orientation you need, you can write something like this using a Point Wrangle:

matrix M = primintrinsic ( 1, "packedfulltransform", 0 );
@P *= invert ( M );
@P.y += ch("move");
@P *= M;

Here I am using packed and unpacked geo.

Thanks a lot for this
I did something similar, this is definitely cleaner but in my case is not really taking into count the local Y but would Y when I add the move to current I doing something wrong?

In your screenshot your matrix looks like identity matrix with an offset so that would be why the local axes align with the world axes. Maybe you can post your scene file?

My apologies turned out each of my joints stored the correct packedtransform and doing the offset of all together resulted in alignment with the world and local transform...picking them one by one did the trick

Thanks a lot for your help

Getting world space orientation 2024年1月16日14:00


Your local transform matrix looks like identity matrix with an offset. But if it has the orientation you need, you can write something like this using a Point Wrangle:

matrix M = primintrinsic ( 1, "packedfulltransform", 0 );
@P *= invert ( M );
@P.y += ch("move");
@P *= M;

Here I am using packed and unpacked geo.

Thanks a lot for this
I did something similar, this is definitely cleaner but in my case is not really taking into count the local Y but would Y when I add the move to current I doing something wrong?

Getting world space orientation 2024年1月15日23:13

Visually moving this point in the direction of the dotted red axis (opposite local Y)