Pece Zdravkovski

Pece Zdravkovski

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First Steps | M03 | Lesson 3 - Expression problem 2014年2月20日8:38

Did you turn on Stamping in your Copy SOP?

That was the problem,
sorry I am still noob.

Thanks !

First Steps | M03 | Lesson 3 - Expression problem 2014年2月19日21:15


This question might sound silly, but I really can't find the answer to it and I've been searching for it for about an hour.

At the tutorial at 14:52, Ari writes one expression

“ $HIP/geometry/rock_`padzero(3,stamp(”../copy1“,rockNum,1))`.bgeo ”

which makes all the rocks different, why does that same expression don't work at mine program. I did the same things he did, but still no results, it goes to 1. It doesn't find rockNum, when I change it to


I get an error, which tells me that Houdini can't find that variable.
I am using Windows 8.1
Any suggestions ?
