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The cookie SOP and edgeseams 2011年9月23日16:11

Managed to seam up the gaps between edges by simply adding a polystitch SOP between the Fuse SOP and Divide SOP to snap those nasty additional verts.

The cookie SOP and edgeseams 2011年9月21日11:45

I want to do multiple Cookie SOP passes on a polygon mesh to generate a seamless result:

In the attached demo file Green (large) grid is cut by Red (medium) and Blue (small) grid. Red is also cut by Blue (if they overlap). Blue is not cut by any.

I can get this to work by Cookie cutting the Green mesh first by the Red* and again by the Blue*, then cutting the Red by the Blue.

By merging these three meshes, I end up with a nice clean mesh except that the edges between the 3 colored grids contain gaps (revealed when you apply a Mountain SOP to distort the geometry).

The problem I have seems to be that cutting the Green grid with first the Red and then the Blue grids does generate the extra vertices on the boundary edge of the Green grid, but there are no similarly vertices added to the Red and Blue grids by the Green grid (so that both sides of the seam have the exact same vertices that can be fused).

This omission causes the mesh to tear when distorted. Any ideas?

*I have to create a duplicate of the Geometry B meshes for the Cookie SOP where I then apply a Divide SOP to remove any interior edges (while retaining all the verts on the exterior) otherwise I just get an ugly mess of polygons.