Saad Moosajee

Saad Moosajee

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Vellum Subdivision issue 2018年11月5日13:59


I did a cloth simulation using vellum cloth and vellum weld. For the cloth geometry, I ran a remesh on a grid to make it fairly dense. The simulation and output geometry looks as expected, but when I run vellum post process to add post subdivision, or subdivide the output geometry in Redshift I get weird holes / tears over the geometry. Any idea what is causing this ? I can attach a scene file if that would be helpful.

Orienting instanced geometry to primitive centroid 2015年12月24日3:16

I am a Houdini amateur working on a tool that places tiles onto buildings. I followed a great tutorial by Scott Keating explaining how to orient instances to a primitives surface using the point normal inside of a VOPSOP with quaternion / the orient attribute. While this works really well, I think my tool would work better if it could orient the instances to the vector of the center point on each face rather than the normal.

Currently I am getting the center point using a Point SOP and then trying to use that vector for orienting the primitives. It seems to work ok with spheres but doesn't orient properly with flatter surfaces.

I've attached a file with the two approaches, any help would be extremely appreciated!