Sahak Sahakian
Sahak Sahakian
About Me
Game Artist
Houdini Engine
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Recent Forum Posts
help using bitmaps to generate models 2019年9月13日3:35
goldfarbThat article looks super. However it refers to a demoPackage.zip file that is no longer available. If anyone has acess to this from before, or have another reference please share
you might have fun reading this:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-tools/1262072-houdini-to-minecraft [www.minecraftforum.net]
How to bake texture colors into vertex colors, preserve them in/after VDB, and merge coplanars after mirroring? 2018年4月24日2:21
Is there a hip file we can looksi?
Vdb and transfer materials or color 2018年4月20日13:55
I need to solve a similar problem.
I used from qLib gallery: SOP Gallery, qLib–SOP/Volumes -> VDB/SDF Geo Blending subnetwork.
The incomin
geometry has textures. Is there a way to mantain and transfer UVs and textures?
I used from qLib gallery: SOP Gallery, qLib–SOP/Volumes -> VDB/SDF Geo Blending subnetwork.
The incomin
geometry has textures. Is there a way to mantain and transfer UVs and textures?