Alex Jenyon


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MaterialX graph editor in solaris? 2023年1月28日18:38

What WOULD be awesome is the ability to edit the node graphs of existing MaterialX files in Houdini - importing as well as exporting.

The existence of this tool suggests it should be possible to do a 'proper' round trip:

Another DCC -> Import MaterialX graph -> Houdini edit -> Export to MaterialX -> Re-import to Houdini

Adding a 3rd party node editor would not seem sensible, though - agree there!

Texture Projections from camera 2023年1月27日12:18

I've been trying to get this to work recently.
I've figured out the camera frustum projection using regular MaterialX nodes, and it's working in a UE5 material, so I'm < fairly > sure it'll work here, too.

Requires feeding in the camera vectors (FWD, RIGHT, UP), which I haven't figured out how to do automatically from a camera in the scene. This might make the workflow pretty irritating.

.hip of my current progress is attached if it helps

Layering imported MaterialX materials 2023年1月22日16:50

I don't think that's going to happen. The material library makes valid USD, but isn't guaranteed to make valid MaterialX.

The Material Library, sure - but a 'MaterialX Subnet' should, shouldn't it?
(As long as you avoid the half dozen or so Houdini only nodes).
Seems a bit of a wasted opportunity if it doesn't... :S