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Features to speed up modeling 2015年12月23日7:21

Because it takes time and resources. It is not that you come here, post wish and tomorrow it has been granted.. How old are you ppl? It is in process and sometime it takes few releases to do it. Especially in app like Houdini which is dominantly oriented towards VfX. Why MODO does not have such powerfull vfx tools like Houdini?

I just wanted to say that there will be no need for second package in the future. That Houdini will also be great in modeling. Sorry if I cuoldn't explain myself clearly. English is not my native language. My bad.

H15 daily builds? 2015年12月22日12:48

Can't we have both options?

H15 daily builds? 2015年12月22日12:46

I've said this in another thread, but was shut down for my apparent blasphemy:
Houdini needs an optional update function.
With optional I mean that the daily builds should still be available, but instead of pulling and installing the whole installer you should be able to just pull the updates within Houdini.
The bandwidth that could be saved is only growing. The time that could be saved on installs is only growing. The technological foundation existed for ages. So the only reason not to do it, is the effort that goes into developing the update system. Should be worth it in the long run, though.
