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XPU and memory usage, out of core 2021年12月3日20:36

Is out of core a planned feature...?

Yes we have it planned, but it is a while away, and will most likely come in stages over the next year or two.


Thanks for the reply Brian! Appreciate the info dump.

XPU and memory usage, out of core 2021年12月3日12:32

I recently tested XPU with this scene: []

It took some time for the GPU to start but when it did it was fast. Without having any issues on my 8GBs RTX 3070. The memory metadata reached above 80GB although I'm not sure if this means truly 80Gbs being processed.
The grains are actual geo but instances of course.

Can you show a sample of the scene that caused these issues? IT would be interesting to see what amount is too much.

It seems like it has issues loading up singularly large objects. The first scene that wouldn't load only had one large vdb in it, the largest cloud vdb that Disney released for testing

3GB file - []

Also had some issues with a large array of copied curves, but only a few million points. I'll have to do some more granular testing rfe anything I find.

XPU and memory usage, out of core 2021年12月2日17:52

Did a little more exploring. Make sure you hide your karma viewport before sending a render to mplay, this hold true for both render to mplay and render to bg. The viewport retains it's memory footprint as long as it's visible.