Sintrias Sairtnis
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Edge Loop And Poly Split SOP's Not Working??? 2017年3月30日23:31
Hello everyone, I am working on a model and need to add some edges to the mesh. For some reason when I try to add an edge loop or poly split a face, they do not work. After selecting the geometry I wish to modify, I click the SOP, but they immediately deselect the geometry and ask for target geometry. I try to select the desired geometry but nothing responds. I am confused. I like the idea of Houdini and wish to learn, but it doesn't seem as intuitive as Maya in a lot of ways. I appreciate any help.
How do you merge changes (i.e extrude and edit nodes) to original object node? 2017年3月30日23:18
You don't merge down. The “houdini way” is to either lock the node (the red button second from the left on your last node), which results in houdini not cooking upstream and instead caching the geo into the .hip file or to use a file cache node and do that manually, with an external .bgeo file.
I personally prefer option 2, because the other bloats the .hip files, but that is down to personal preference and project needs/loads.
Thank you for your response protozoan. Sorry for my late reply. Are there any tutorials showing the second method? It sounds like Houdini would benefit in making it an SOP tool if it isn't already.
How do you merge changes (i.e extrude and edit nodes) to original object node? 2017年3月11日4:50
Hello, I'm new to Houdini. I love it so far, but it is quite different from Maya so there are a few things I still need to wrap my head around. The title pretty much sums up my question. I'd like to know how to merge nodes of different types into one single node. I am modeling a character and it seems as though all the changes I have made to the basic geometry are slowly taking up memory. I imagine it will eventually cause a crash which isn't ideal. So how can I clean it up? Thanks for the help.