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Copernicus Performance 2024年7月18日3:39

Wild random guess but does copernicus also selectively run opencl on cpu or gpu based on an env variable setting?

Any other part of 20.5 optimized for RTX 4xxx, besides Karma 2024年7月12日10:11

So hearing / seeing a lot of awesome feedback here about 20.5 Karma XPU and 2-3x speed increase over Houdini 20 when using RTX 4xxx. I have 3090 with 24GB RAM… Thing of downgrading/upgrading to 4070 Ti Super. It has about 30% less CUDA cores than 3090 it seems and obviously less RAM, but from what I understand the speed increases in Karma XPI are significant due to 4xxx hardware optimizations,

I have the same gpu and personally I'd never downgrade RAM! A little fast render or sim here and there is nothing compared to the problems you'd have with too little memory.

Houdini 20.5 is out for grab! 2024年7月11日4:45

I'd like to say nice update but copernicus froze 5 times already and in a scene with a lot of fog neither vulkan nor opengl shows anything but solid colors. I guess it'll be alright in a few iterations. Also, no serious color correct nodes? Really ?