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Disabling the viewport context menu? 2022年3月20日12:03

Ok so I have been having this same issue with no other solutions. This is literally the worst thing to deal with I have ever experienced. So I went and got a new mouse....problem solved. Don't know why and don't care, at least my computer is safe from being thrown off a building.

had to post this for anyone out there whos having same issue.

Cloth Capture Cloth Deform problems 2013年3月7日19:30

While working on a project i have run into an issue where the same piece of cloth/geometry is being forced to collide with itself while using the cloth capture and deform nodes. this creates the problem of it merging all the mesh details together like a metaball. because i need the Kernel Function to be large enough to catch the high res mesh.

i had an idea that i want to try and that is to hook up each kernels attribute to a paint sop and paint in the radius range so i can control the capture size of my cloth but i need a few pointers because of unavailability of content and stuff im pretty lost and stuck

hope this makes sense

ps. the image might seem a little strange but its basically a pair of pants and when the character lifts his leg to stretch really high it pulls the cloth resting on the leg into contact with the waist and hence you have the ugly merging of geometry.