Tom Hurd

Tom Hurd2

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Houdini Engine


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Mantra default missing texture color? 2022年1月6日6:54

Hi all,

I have a complex shader setup with texture paths being driven by attrbutes on the geometry. The default missinf texture color for mantra is a pale pink color but I have some pale pinks across the object and this makes diagnosing missing textures difficult. Is it possible to change the default missing texture color for Mantra shaders?

Thanks, Tom

Houdini wont read UDIM sequence? 2021年12月17日13:36

Hi All, 

I have a strange issue involving Houdini not reading a UDIM sequence. The file names are ordered as BaseColor.1061.exr through to BaseColor.2994.exr I can read the files into COPs just fine when reading them as a frame sequence ($F) but trying to read the as a UDIM sequence into a Mantra texture node, I get "Error reading file". I haven't come up against this problem before, I have verified the files aren't corrupt and run through the sequence in Nuke. There are a few gaps in the numbers but I didn't think that would cause a problem. If anyone has any insight it would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks, Tom

Grab only specific textures from a folder 2018年11月26日5:04

Hi all,

I'm quite new to scripting in Houdini, I've been given a scene containing a python node importing textures from a directory and randomly assigning them to flags in the scene.

All the files follow the same naming convention german_flag_01.tif, brazil_flag_01.tif and so on. I need to be able to select textures more specifically from the folder and ignore some completely, I can't just remove textures from the folder since we have multiple scenes requiring different selections. How can I do this? Either in the python node (I don't really know python) or perhaps in vex which I know a little of? Or if there another way I'd be very interested in hearing it.

Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance,
