Tom Kleinenberg

Tom Kleinenberg

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ICE to Houdini project, full-length tutorial and scene files 2014年3月24日9:15

Haha, amazing! I was expecting a 5 minute ‘yeah, so this is sort of how you’d do this' video, not an hour-and-a-half. Thanks, this is really, really great, Javier.

Have to say, this community is pretty great. Above and beyond.

ICE to Houdini 2014年3月11日19:59

Zybrand Jacobs
Hey Tom, I think you are selling your skills a bit short here :wink:

Speaking as relative Houdini noob of only a month or 2 and who also comes from SI. I think you will be able to build all your ICE tools in Houdini as well and after some fundamentals it might be a good way to practice. But for most of it you will not be using L-Systems I don't think, as Edward mentions they are a special case.

Zybrand, you made it! This is where the party's at! There's beer in the fridge, and some sort of pun about Houdini, ICE and keeping things chilled.

L-system does seem very special case use but something I'm still kicking around in Softimage is a tree-generator - sort of a level up on the stuff I was doing in Khumba. The L-system just seemed a natural progression. I must admit, I'm very torn at the moment between everything I'm trying to learn and improve on. Houdini is my weekend project but I'm taking tutorial videos in with me on the bus to glean what I can. Have you thought of converting your Grass generator as a way to learn Houdini?

ICE to Houdini 2014年3月10日9:45

Ah cool, thanks for that Imre. The preset thing seems really useful and easy to use. I think the closest ICE concept is compounds which could save node-networks and default values. I don't make enough use of them - I'd normally only save compounds if I was sharing the work with somebody else. I have to learn better habits

I had a very brief look at qLib - looks very interesting! I think I'm still a little way from needing any of the stuff included but I'll definitely incorporate it into my learning.