Tony Hudson

Tony Hudson

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United States

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Viewport Display controls? 2017年8月28日18:10

Thanks for the idea. When I add a light to the scene using the shelf tool it sets the light exposure to 5.15

It seems strange to me coming from Maya but the viewport and render view look correct now.

I'd still like to know what basis it uses for adjusting light exposure.

Viewport Display controls? 2017年8月27日21:11

Just in case it is helpful, here are two objects with two lights set to intensity of 1. FYI- gamma is set to 2.2 and HDR Rendering seems to make no difference.

Viewport Display controls? 2017年8月27日20:02

As far as I can tell I have not set any variables other than $JOB and I looked thru the list in ‘Alias’s and Variables' and saw nothing.

Under what conditions would I use the ‘exposure’ control on the light? I've found raising the exposure to a value of 5 on both of the scene lights I can get it to match what I'm seeing in the tutorials. However, that has to be wrong.

At a loss.
