Rakesh Malik


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How to add atmosphere in Houdini? 2023年1月17日4:05

There are some volumetrics in Houdini; there's a Sky SOP, a Cloud SOP, and a Cloud Noise SOP. I also followed a tutorial using a Volume VOP.

In Karma though it's still pretty baffling. And the Sky and Cloud SOPs are very slow, probably partly because they keep blowing up Optix, so I'm not getting any GPU acceleration even though I have a 3080 with 16GB. But I think Karma XPU is still in beta?

Importing SpeedTree trees? 2023年1月17日0:55

I'm trying to import some trees from SpeedTree into Houdini Indie, and while I've been able to get the geometry into Houdini, I haven't been able to get materials onto them in Solaris. I'm using an assignmaterial node to attempt to assign materials to the bark and leaves, but the materials aren't getting attached to the geometry.

I tried using the SpeedTree importer that comes with SpeedTree 9.3, but that's just erroring out, and though I've asked for help from SpeedTree, haven't gotten any response from there yet, so I'm at a loss here. I'm exporting .OBJ from SpeedTree, but I don't know if that's the best way to go about it or not.
