Aleksandr Sknarin


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How to catch stage update in a python_panel in Solaris? 2024年4月17日19:58

Thanks so much! scene graph details looks like perfect example.

How to catch stage update in a python_panel in Solaris? 2024年4月17日17:49

Hi everyone,

I'm writing a python panel that should have a behaviour similar to a SceneGraph Tree view - it should display the most relevant state of the stage for the currently selected node.

Pypanel's OnNodePathChanged() method does it job when I select different nodes, but I also need to catch stage updates when I modify parameters on the single node. ParmTupleChanged() callback doesn't work in this case because looks like it is called right after I've changed the parameter but before stage is cooked. As a result I'm alwaus getting the state of the stage as is it was before I've made a change. It is funny how it is lagging one step behind - when I edit parameters - on every parameter change my panel updates to the previous state of the stage. The same thing is also with InputDataChanged callback as well. It looks like any node event is happening before stage state is recalculated.

Is there any other callback I could hook to that will allow me to trigger panel update if something has changed in the state of the stage for the currently selected node? I mean after stage's been re-cooked?

Thanks in advance.

How to read the help of the parm with python? 2024年3月6日20:08

Hi there.

I want to make a pypanel for a node and I need to show the same tool tips that parameters on the original houdini UI have.
I can't find anywhere how to read a help string from the given parm.
Is it even possible?