Karl Habanero
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Houdini Engine
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Nested dictionary in VEX showing unexpected behavior. 2024年9月12日22:07
Then, is there anyway/noway to achieve in VEX the same behavior as in the Python example above?
Thank you.
If you change the order of assignment
b['next'] = c; a['next'] = b;
[Py] SceneGraphTree Event Handling 2024年9月12日10:15
Are there currently event handlers in SceneGraphTree using the API for this? I need to perform some actions when I drag prims from SceneGraphTree to the node editor.
There is an example in the documentation relating to extending the node editor, but I'm not sure I can use that.
https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hom/network.html [www.sidefx.com]
Are there currently event handlers in SceneGraphTree using the API for this? I need to perform some actions when I drag prims from SceneGraphTree to the node editor.
There is an example in the documentation relating to extending the node editor, but I'm not sure I can use that.
https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hom/network.html [www.sidefx.com]
Got error when I lunch hkey from terminal on Rocky Linux9.4 2024年9月12日5:45
I think you don't have the appropriate service running.
Also when installing the software and the licence server, Houdini had to create the directory
sudo systemctl status sesinetd.service