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how to get smooth shading on polyline 2017年3月13日11:49

did you try convert to a nurbs curve?

[MacMini] R.I.P. (I'm Not Dead Yet) 2015年10月19日19:59

I playing with H15 Apprentice, and i did the same test, just to see whats happen, and it's works, even w “no supported intel HD400”, it's quite surprising that H14 crash all the time, but H15 works fine until now…
Viewport now shade polygons without inverted normals, no more freeze screen and so on…
but, maybe, it's a lucky day, and i didn't test well..
but those crashs listed by Enivob, not happens on my mac mini w intel HD400 and 10.10.5

At least on Yosemite…
Anyone else?

Pyro as Lighting. 2012年11月12日10:46

You can use your pyro flame as Geometry light, it's may slow your render, but if you use a PBR and GI light to cache your photon map, to reduce noise, it's may be faster than using many lights instanced…

Also, your scene will be more realistic…
