Christian Combes


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Visibility Node not selected and displayed after Edit Node 2023年12月9日17:34

By adding a Visibility Node to a radial menu and assigning a shortcut to "Remove All Visibility Operators" it's eventually very quick and no Visibility Node stays in the network at the end. For me it works fine as it is, but I'm not a professional stressed by a deadline, just someone trying to play with a fantastic toy... and I must confess that more I model in Houdini and more I like it. Just a tribute to these modeling nodes developers to-often forgotten behind this monstrous VFX machine that is Houdini.


Visibility Node not selected and displayed after Edit Node 2023年11月30日5:58


If it can help, I added an entry for the Visibility Node in a radial menu, and now it works fine.


Visibility Node not selected and displayed after Edit Node 2023年11月29日1:13


Houdini 19/20 Apprentice
Arch Linux / KDE Plasma

When modeling in Houdini :
- using an Edit Node with Secure Selection unlocked (when Secure Selection is locked, it seems to work fine,
- selecting some primitives to hide,
- in the Operation Tool Bar Visibility option on top of the 3d Scene View, selecting Hide Selected Primitives,
- a new Visibility Node is added in the Network after the Edit Node but the Edit Node stays selected and displayed,
- I have to select and display the Visibility Node in the Network Pane to hide the selected primitives.

Am I doing something wrong ? With other nodes like Polybevel for example it works fine, the Visibily Node is directly selected and displayed in the Network Pane and the primitives are hiden in the 3d Viewport.

Thanks for your time, cheers, Chris