Ryan Pavey


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SideFX Labs - RizomUV Bridge 2020年3月12日18:20

Yuri Serizawa
Regarding the RizomUV bridge SOP, do you have any plan to make it work on Linux too?

I'd also love to know this. Pointing to the appimage in Linux is a no go. I'm still on 17.5…any chance this has been resolved in 18?


CPU slow on simulation 2019年5月12日14:09

Those processors are known to have memory bandwidth latency issues via infinity fabric, as mentioned. Also, as others pointed out, you can circumvent the largest issue, if you deal with Windows problem with multi-core iteration allocation.

I'm not a Windows person, but I recall it having something to do with setting the first core count to start at 1, instead of 0… or perhaps visa versa. Heard there is signifcant jumps in performance once you get Windows bugginess dealt with. Still, to my knowledge, infinity fabric has some bandwidth latency, particularly on the 2990WX as two of the four dies are handicapped.

Fix the Windows thing, and you should see vast improvement.

Use OpenCL global switch? 2016年12月9日0:11

Thanks. Yes hopefully OpenCL will be better implemented in 16.
I don't have a ‘slow’ system, with an i7 6900K and TitanXP GPU (hence my preference for OpenCL) but should have gone with older CPU architecture and multiple CPU's

Can you elaborate please?