dLewis Lewis


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Pyro Flame alpha matte problem 2013年8月7日23:37

Ah awesome! That worked great

Interesting though, I understand that the heat parameter is driving what the mask looks like, but when I use the parm node it no longer points the out_firemask output from the pyroShade into the fire_mask. Does this mean that some information is no longer pointing into the fire_mask?

I've gotten a couple videos into pyro 2 shader tutorials so some more of this is making sense, but I am still just learning to create fields.


Pyro Flame alpha matte problem 2013年8月6日23:37

Ah interesting. The image plane does seem to work, but it appears as though it does not match the C plane, at least not as well as the R channel does.

It looks like it's squashing the heat and smoke so much more of it is opaque than it is in the C render.

I'll have to watch the vids in the sticky on the pyro2 shader and some of the other related videos and see what I can learn, as this whole area is still a bit of a mystery to me.

So far I've mainly just been working with the DOP and the source. I can typically get it to behave how I want it, but not to look how I'd like.

Thanks again for the tips, I'll be back after I've learned some more I'm sure.


Pyro Flame alpha matte problem 2013年8月6日10:54

Ah I see. Well that's easy haha.

Yea looking at a composite of flames an additive blend appears to do what I would want regardless of an alpha.

Thanks for clearing that up for me Sven , I was just overthinking it.
