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Console Warning message 2016年3月7日3:39

Same deal over here - every time I use a hotkey I get:

Warning: There is no hotkey for h.blackboxotl

Printed in the terminal (on linux). I think this might be happening for everyone at the facility.

I tried setting a hotkey for ‘Create Black Box Asset’ (the only thing that seemed relevant in the hotkey editor at present) but that didn't make any difference.

That didn't get into the hotkey file file as h.blackboxotl anyway.. the line I got looks like this (I purposefully chose a hotkey I'm not likely to press btw!):

h.pane.wsheet.opmenu.blackbox “Create black box asset” “Create a black boxed asset from the current one.” Ctrl+Shift+F12

License server down? 2011年2月21日4:48

Same here, no love from the license administrator or the web form for 2 days. Just need to be patient I think.

Btw I use Houdini at work (as a VFX TD)and despite being tricky to learn at first, I have found it to be an extraordinarily powerful and inspiring piece of software!

Well worth the wait I reckon!


Linux graphical issues 2009年12月1日0:02

Yep we also get that error from time to time and have to restart the session.

We're running CentOS.

probably should let support@sidefx know eh…