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How to import character animations in Unreal 4? 2015年10月25日14:23

Looks like I have no choice but to move on to Maya LT at this point. I have searched this forum and others for weeks seeking a solution but found nothing. I really wanted to stick with Houdini Indie so I can export my character animations to Unreal 4 through fbx
but obviously there is no support for this.

How to import character animations in Unreal 4? 2015年10月21日15:58

If I import the same .fbx file into Maya and Cinema 4D the animation works. Can a Houdini Guru please help me out with a solution because I have been searching the internet and forums for days?

How to import character animations in Unreal 4? 2015年10月21日12:41

I am still new using Houdini Indie and I am having a hard time importing my characters animation into Unreal 4. First I followed the Digital Tutors tutorial
“Utilizing the Auto Rig and Muscle System Tools in Houdini” then I created a animation for the character. Then I exported everything as .fbx . The mesh and skeleton show up but no animation and I did follow the Unreal guide to importing animations and still had no success.

Could someone guide me in the right direction or make a tutorial because I am really stuck?