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HQueue + 3rd Party Render Engines 2018年6月12日2:40

+1 especially Redshift.

[Resolved] Assigning materials 2017年5月1日2:54

Hi guys,

I've got this much figured out. Additional question:

I want to assign materials to various HDA's in UE4 and make sure they update the material paths for that asset on disk.
Currently building materials in Substance Designer and don't necessarily know names or want to assign ahead of time. However if we set up an asset and export it to UE4, when I do an update on that asset from Houdini it of course wipes out any material assignments done in UE4.

E.g. Assembling an apartment and have set it up to have wall polygons with individual unreal_material strings so each wall can potentially have a different material assignment (accent wall, etc).

Is this possible? I.e. HDA's being modified from both H16 and UE4?