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SimSOM download (Win and Lin). + want to get involved? 2013年2月16日20:23

Hello everyone,
It has been a crazy period for me these last few months, loads of work, this is why you haven't heard any news from me, and I haven't touched SimSOM for ages.
Since I am not seing any big openings in my schedule any time soon, I have decided:
1 - To share SimSOM with you so that you can try it and play with it. It is far from done, there are still many non implemented features, the simulation codes need improving in many areas…etc and don't expect it to be problem/bug free, but this is how far I got with the time I had, and it would be a shame keeping it in my drawer for who know when.
2 - I wanted to ask if someone is interested in getting involved in the project to push it further, because it would be a shame stopping the work at this point. Please contact me on my email/pm if you are interested and we can discuss it.
In the attached archive, you will find a windows dll and a linux so file, both compiled against H12.1.185 x64, with many example scene files.
I would like to hear your opinions, and see any nice sims you come up with!!
If -even in this non complete state- you decided to use it for a commercial project please get in touch with me.

If you haven't already seen the demos:
Alpha demos: SimSOM Alpha [].
Pre-Alpha II demos SimSOM Pre-Alpha II [].
Pre-Alpha I demos SimSOM Pre-Alpha I [].

I guess that is all for now.


SimSOM Alpha / new demos / Multi-Physics Simulator 2012年8月18日13:58

Thank you everyone for the encouragement!

SimSOM Alpha / new demos / Multi-Physics Simulator 2012年8月16日9:33

@zarti : thank you, it is in SOPs for now (which has many advantages, one of which is ‘not limiting its use to master license holders’).
Still in the brainstorming stage, I am thinking of making a DOPs version or at least a bridge between the 2 worlds.

