Greg Patten


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Kitbash3D Assets for city design in PDG 2020年6月20日13:53


I've recently moved from Maya to Houdini due to the PDG functionality, especially as it relates to city building. What I'd like to do is create a bitmap city design like in the city building tutorial, but instead of using geometry made in Houdini, I want use KitBash3D assets to populate the map. I've been exploring different ideas but none of them seem to support what I need to accomplish. Has anyone done this before or would be able to point me in the right direction?

Also, some background on KitBash3D assets in case anyone is unfamiliar, they come packaged together in either .fbx or .obj files as groups (in Maya speak) with geometry for each group inside them. So I'm wondering if I should bring them into the project in file nodes or as SOPs within a geo node (again I'm newish to Houdini so this may be inaccurate language) for this task.

Thank you!