Chris Thompson


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Record Time Point Enters Group? 2017年7月5日21:47

I think I have this figured by following this thread: []

It seems a little convoluted but it works. If anyone has any better solutions I'd love to hear.

Project file posted below.

Record Time Point Enters Group? 2017年7月5日9:10

Hey all,

I've been trying for hours to figure this one out & was hoping to get some input from your good selves.

I have a large number of points that enter a group at different times. I'm trying to use a Point Wrangle to create a parameter that records the frame that the point enters the group. My code looks something like this:

if (@group_release == 1)
@time_enter_release = @Frame;
@group_release = 0;

Unfortunately this doesn't hold the frame time that the point entered the group, it sets the parameter as the current frame for the entire timeline. Make sense?

I've attached a very simplified version of my scene below.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Reference external objects point count 2017年6月27日20:07

ndickson, you are an absolute legend. Thank you. I'm learning so much every day and couldn't do it without peeps like your good self. Thanks again.