Hernan Llano


About Me

VFX Artist


United Kingdom

Houdini Skills


Not Specified

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obj-image Beginner
Bullet Collisions | Deforming vs Animated
obj-image Intermediate
Guided RBD Dynamics
obj-image Intermediate
obj-image Intermediate
Inverse transformation Matrix, basic Tutorial

Recent Forum Posts

Query tab menu context folders 2022年6月9日9:45


You can access it through the HDADefinition class.
So if you have a node selected you could do something like,
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
node = hou.node('/currently/selected/node/path')
definition = node.type().definition()
toolssection = definitions.sections()['Tools.shelf']

root = ET.fromstring(toolssection.contents())
for path in root.iter('toolSubmenu'):

HI Mike, I was wondering if there is any way to set that same value, say for example that I want to set the TAB Submenu Path where the digital asset is stored when I press tab via Python.


Official release of the Houdini Music Toolset (HMT) 2021年1月22日8:42

Hi Andrew,

I don't know how I didn't see this before, thanks very much for sharing this, I haven't tried it yet but will do very soon.

It would be cool if you have some sort of string on the interface of the node that says which Pitch you have, I know you can see it as an attribute, but having something like C4 or B2 in the node itself would make it a bit easier in terms of workflow.

Having presets that allow you to select only notes within certain Key would be amazing too.

I can't wait to see what we can do with it.

Houdini indie and Educational on the same machine 2017年7月2日10:03

Hi all.

I was wondering if it is not a good idea to have two licenses in the same machine, right now I have a Houdini indie, but I want to also install the educational one, would that be ok, or many bugs will appear? Just in case anyone have already experience with this.

Thanks very much.